Friday, February 17, 2012

Burlington, VT

I'm currently on a Burlington, Vermont layover..

I managed to not only force myself to get online to continue my blog, but also made myself get to the gym right away (so proud of myself). HOWEVER, the hotel gym at our crew hotel wasn't the greatest! This is another problem I run into A LOT on the road. Crappy hotel gyms are very unmotivating, especially when Ive been up since 4:30am and all Id rather do is take a nap! However, I made do, and managed to get myself on the elliptical for 15 mins, then the stationary bike for 5 mins until 1 out of 2 of the "crappy" treadmills were available. Than I walked at speed 3.0 and a 3% incline for 20 more mins. There was no free weight area but I did take a nice long stretch-workout after my cardio.

So yesterday I notice that my feet hurt sooooo bad after my workout. Im on my feet all day with work to begin with, but yesterday they hurt more than usual. Every winter, since before I can even remember, my feet and heals get very dry and even cracked. So today I tried an experiment and lathered a think layer of vaseline on my heals to help with not only the friction but to also help releive some of the pain and it worked. Right now though as I type this I can feel my heals starting to ache again.. Maybe I will try to put some more on. I have very expensive orthotics in my shoes, so I know its not due to cheap footwear. I also notice that for the short 5 mins on the stationary bike today, my back hurt a lot. I know my main focus needs to be on core (abs and back) due to my weak core. Hopefully that is something I can build upon over the next few weeks.

I figured that even though it wasn't a stellar workout I at least got myself to the gym and did a mixture of cardio. BETTER THAN NOTHING!

Today's Food Log:

Breakfast: Nut Granola Bar/ Fuji Apple

Snack/Pick me up: carrots/ apple juice and cranberry juice mixed together (apple/cranberry)

Lunch: Cold leftovers on the plane of my Tilapia Fish, 2 Shrimp, and Rice.

Snack (Pre-Workout): Carrots

Dinner (After Workout): Half a plate of pita chips and spinach/ artichoke/ brie dip with 1 glass of white wine

I know right now Im just forcing myself into better habits, and It may be rough right now, but the overall outcome will be better in the end!

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