Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Fort Myers, FL

Layover: Fort Myers, FL
(2/21/12) I'm posting this a day late due to crazy day and couldn't get on!

So Today was one of those days that was supposed to be short and easy but turned into a long, exhausting day at work. I woke up at 4:45am EVEN THOUGH I DIDN'T HAVE TO.. to get a full workout in before my one flt back to Boston. While I was in the middle of my workout I got a phone call from Crew Services telling me that me plane was to be delayed 3hrs and that I could have slept in... DAMN IT! My departure was now at 11am.. typical! I finished my work out and was fully awake so I went and grabbed the breakfast buffet.

Workout: Full stretch workout. The more I stretch the better Ive been feeling post-workout. I than did 2 sets of 5 of the Diamond Squat Walk. I than mixed up a few of my favorite moves from the Insanity workout in such as the "Jump Up. Down to Plank" and some sets of "Knee Touches". I may have just made up those names but I did a few sets of each. Than I did my DREADED lifting for arms... I used a 5lbs weight and did goal post, bicep curls, triceps extension, and straight out arm holds... ugh it was painful! I than got on the treadmill and walked at a bunch of different intervals and speeds. Still could get myself to run just yet... especially that early in the morning!

Needless to say, that delay almost caused me to miss my commute home to NJ.. But than when we landed in Boston guess who was escorted off the plane for a random drug and alcohol test... UGHHHHHH!! I made my commuting flt by seconds! Just went back to NJ for the night though... Totally worth it!

Breakfast: 2 egg whites/1 egg over easy, OJ, fresh strawberries and melon, and 2 pieces of bacon.

Lunch/Snack: Parmesan/basil flavored crackers with the tomatoes/basil/onion chopped salad

Dinner: Homemade cheese tortellini with fresh spinach, sun dried tomatoes in a cheese sauce... delicious!

Desert: 2 chocolates from my heart box! :)

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